Dear Fuzion4 Customers,
We hope you are all keeping well during these challenging times and would like to reaffirm our commitment to you.
Following on from the Prime Ministers announcement on Saturday 31st October informing us of a second national lockdown, we would like to inform you that as we are an essential service, all areas of our business will remain open and fully operational. We are and will continue to undertake business as normal.
All our technicians have shown such high levels of vigilance, professionalism, and care during the Covid-19 pandemic thus far, and this will continue with the health, safety, and welfare of both our customers and employees being paramount.
If at any time we feel we need to review or amend how we are working, or if we are informed that we are unable to continue, we will communicate this to all relevant parties in a clear and prompt fashion.
If you have any questions or queries, please do hesitate to get in touch on 01424 436385, or, alternatively, email our account and will get back to you.
We would like to thank our customers for their continued support and understanding during these difficult times.